Undiemeister® is the premium brand for men's essentials and underwear. All Undiemeister® products are made of fabrics that are incomparably comfortable and maximally durable, such as the revolutionary Mellowood®. Want to know more about Undiemeister®? On this page, you can read everything about Undiemeister® and what drives us to use this new fabric.
Undiemeister®'s mission
Always striving for top quality, always striving for the most sustainable. We have been producing sustainable underwear of the highest quality since 2011.
The first step of our journey
Underwear made of bamboo was the first step on our journey and a big step forward compared to cotton. Both in sustainability and quality. We convinced consumers from various companies to make a different choice. That was a very instructive period. But we can and we must do better.
If there's room for improvement, improving is what you do.
You're never done. Good is not good enough for us. So naturally, if we can take a big leap in terms of premium quality and sustainability, we will. One joins forces with different companies. Mellowood® was the first big step forward. And, even if we say so ourselves, it is he most beautiful fabric we've ever seen. And felt. It's definitely The Next Step. This resulted in multiple fabrics, all of them highly comfortable and durable. Besides wanting to know more about Undiemeister®, do you also want to know more about Mellowood®? If so, read on.

Maximum sustainability, absolute top quality: The next step after bamboo
Mellowood® is a revolutionary big step forward. Made with maximum sustainability, and a quality that nothing can match. Undiemeister® has started working with Mellowood®. The results are astounding. We understand you don't just want to know everything about Undiemeister®, but also about Mellowood®. Read all about Mellowood® here.
So who are Undiemeister®?
Rik is one of the founders of Undiemeister® and introduced bamboo underwear to the Netherlands in 2011. When Rik discovered Mellowood® he was sold. Jeroen Adriaans, who as CEO grew Bamigo from scratch into a multimillion-dollar company puts his shoulders to the wheel with Undiemeister® as Co-founder and CEO. Remko is the e-commerce marketing specialist par excellence. There is a good chance that he is the one that brought you to this page. And don't forget Cynthia, the best underwear concept designer. Perfect fit and optimal finish is what keeps her up at night. Would you like more information about us? Please get in touch with us.
Welcome to Undiemeister®, great to have you here, and above all: enjoy Mellowood®.
Incomparable Premium Quality, Maximum Sustainability.
The latest Undiemeister® TV ad is live!
Are you familiar with our first TV ad? Men making silly moves while wearing rather perculiar underwear? It has been on the telly for a year now and has been watched by millions. Yes, yes, time certainly flies! So it's high time for something new. And that's easier said than done, because how do you top that?
Why the German text “Ich bin Undiemeister”?
Because we are a Dutch company! The reason for the German text is that we have searched hard for what you call a “pay off”, which contains our brand Undiemeister®. It makes sense to use a German phrase. And it's gets us noticed, because many will think “huh?”. You might too! And finally: it's conscise, so it can be used almost everywhere. Moreover, to be a Meister or not to be a Meister, that transcends all national borders!
We hope you like our TV ad and hope you enjoy wearing our items, Meister!
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