As you know, sustainability is a top priority at Undiemeister®. However, we do not show the logos that apply to our items in our items or on our packaging. What is that exactly?
Everything is custom made by hand
All Undiemeister® items are made to our specifications. We determine the design and the fabric to be used. These materials are not made by us but by third parties. Our items are then assembled from the fabric in the workshop. It is therefore important that our suppliers in particular are certified for sustainability and working conditions. This even goes a step further, because every delivery we receive is checked separately (examination and analysis of the materials used) and certified.
Our Certificates
Certification starts with the yarns. For example, our fabric supplier receives a licence number from LENZING™ for each order that we, as the client, must use each time in order to request our licence based on the number of items and the specified amount of fabric. The TENCEL™ brand may not be used without that product licence. In fact, without it you can't even mention that you use TENCEL™. This is all done to prevent counterfeiting by manufacturers who don't care too much about sustainability, in order to make the yarns and fabrics cheaper.

Based on that product licence, we receive a certificate from LENZING™ for the specific items that we have had made. For organic cotton, we also receive a (very extensive) certificate based on OCS (Organic Content Standard) regarding the use of the organic cotton and the “blend”, i.e. the composition with the TENCEL™ yarns. Fully specified by the number of kilos and the number of bales (all numbered) of the material.

Use of logos
We are in possession of all the certificates, including the certificates and the audit report that our manufacturers hold with regard to the controls on working conditions (BSCI or Business Social Compliance Initiative). Because of the sensitive information that is included in the certificates and reports, such as personal and address details, we do not publish them. We also do not use logos in our products, but that has more to do with the fact that we think these logos detract from the minimalistic design of Undiemeister®s packaging and prints.